My focus
In addition to being a consultant and coach, I see myself as a designer of the future. For me, designing the future means seeing the possibilities in the now. This approach forms the basis of my consulting work.
In my consulting I work with the triad of person, role and organisation. This model is suitable for individual coaching as well as for team or organisational development processes. Depending on the concern and the definition of the goal, the focus is placed on one area and its components are worked out and tensions are reflected upon. In a further step, different perspectives can be taken and areas of tension can be worked on.
To get an idea of your own future or that of your team or organisation, we start in the present and open up perspectives and new paths for change.
Trias person - role - organisation
Examples of areas of tension:
- Person - organisation: "How do I identify with the purpose, values and goals of my organisation?"
- Role - organisation: "What roles and tasks do I want to take on in the organisation?"
- Person - role: "Which roles suit me?"
My core competencies
- Diagnosis, structuring and support of change projects
- Support organizations to create their desired future
- Culture change in organisations
- Development of interdisciplinary and intercultural teams
- Professional positioning / reorientation
- Discovering and living innovation and creativity
- Intergenerational projects
- Design of experience-oriented projects
- Application of analogue and creative methods