Hi, I am Christina
«I believe in not-knowing as a creative principle.
That is why I am curious, ask and want to understand.
That's why I want to learn and don't pretend to know.»
My origin
As the daughter of a Finnish mother and a Swiss father, raised in Switzerland, I came into contact with other cultures at an early age. As a teenager, I spent a year in Australia and had my first valuable intercultural experience. In my twenties I called the world my home and lived for several years in Costa Rica, Australia, Holland and Finland. Since more than twenty years I call Switzerland my home. For many years, my professional fulfillment was in tourism and the event industry. Since 2018, I have been working exclusively as a professional organizational consultant, supervisor and coach. With my family, I live in the countryside on the beautiful Rhine.
My consulting approach
My consulting approach is based on the system theory, the understanding of which is to always view human experience and behavior in context with and in relation to other people and the environment.
I want to support people and organizations in personal, interpersonal or professional concerns to discover their unused potentials, to get in touch with unconscious competencies and to free themselves from stuck thinking patterns.
My languages
I speak German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. I conduct consultations and workshops in German and English.
My professional career
- Since 2018 self-employed and owner of Creationship GmbH
- Several years of experience in workshop design and facilitation, as well as in the development and implementation of co-creation workshops
- 6 years of experience as coach, International Swiss Talent Forum, Swiss Youth in Science
- 8 years of leadership experience in various functions in the live communications industry
- 10 years of experience in interdisciplinary project management and project development
- Since 2009 lecturer for creation, conception, event management and organizational development (University of Applied Sciences Graubünden, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zentrum Bildung Baden, Strickhof Lindau)
- 5 years of experience as owner and managing director of an event & incentive agency
- 3 years of experience as host at the "Zukunftbureau" Buelach
My education and training
- MAS Coaching, Supervision & Organizational Consulting at the Institute of Applied Psychology, ZHAW, Zurich (bso recognized)
- JUNO - Masterclass and Community of Practice
- Facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® Methode
- Advanced training course Intercultural Action Competence in Vienna and Bratislava, ZHAW, Zurich
- CAS Coaching as a Leadership Competence at the Institute of Business Administration and Law, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Continuous supervision and intervision
- Bachelor of Science in Tourism / certified tourism specialist HF, Sierre
How I work
My way of working is solution- and resource-oriented. I follow a co-creative style of consulting, i.e. a joint process at eye level.
In my consulting, the person with his or her concerns and questions is at the center. The basis is a framework protected by goodwill, appreciation and trust. I accept circumstances unconditionally and make it possible to find individual solutions.
My interventions are based on my education and training as well as on life and professional experience. If desired, I can also comment on specific questions as a professional expert.